Are you a jobseeker or career changer? Whether you're just starting out into the workforce, figuring out what kind of future job or career you want to pursue, or forging ahead to meet your career goals, we can help.
Finding a job involves thought and preparation – from choosing your path and deciding on the kind of work you want to do, through to going for interviews and actually getting that job. You’ll need an up to date CV, there will be job applications to write and interviews to go to, and you might discover you need to skill up with some training or even get a qualification.
This may sound like a lot of work, but the key is to take it a step at a time and have a plan.
Top future jobs and careers
With Western Australia's growth, a number of key industry areas are offering fantastic job and career opportunities both now and into the future. You can check out some of them, via the links below.
The future of work
The nature of work and jobs is changing and the skills we need to work are evolving day by day. Rapid advances in technology, globalisation, our ageing population and variable worldwide economic conditions are just some of the factors influencing the future of work. Although change can be challenging, it can also provide opportunity — particularly when it comes to jobs and careers.
The time is right to think about the work you want to do now, as well as five or ten years from now... what jobs do you think will be in demand then? And what training could you be doing now, to get yourself skilled up?
The Western Australian Government has identified several industry sectors as current or emerging areas of opportunity for education, training and employment in WA — these are where the biggest opportunities are for future jobs and careers. You can find out more about employment trends and the WA workforce on the Employment trends page.
Career planning: The next step
So you've done some research and found a whole load of information about occupations and careers, but you're not sure what to do with it?
Maybe you've decided what career path you want to follow... but you need some help to get there? Or perhaps you're not yet sure where to next!
Your local Jobs and Skills Centre team are career experts, and they can help you create a career plan that works for you. They can show you how to use helpful websites like (which is now free for everyone in WA!) to learn about different occupations and access useful tools and resources to help with your planning. Their services are completely free, and they offer one-on-one personalised support.
There's 15 JSCs across WA, so call them now on 13 64 64 or find your local JSC and drop in for a chat.
Fee-free and low fee training!
We’re making training affordable and accessible so you can boost your skills and be job ready.
How about a fee-free training course — yes... free! Or choose from a range of low fee qualifications that match up with where the jobs are.
We also have fee-free Job Ready Programs — fast track training programs to get you job ready. And to make sure anyone can get skills ready, we have made a range of courses available online at TAFE colleges.
How we can help you
- Employment trends – Find out about job prospects and employment trends in Western Australia and nationally.
- Occupations – Browse through our occupation profiles to see what different jobs and careers entail, and what a new role or change of area in a new occupation could mean for you.
- Aboriginal services — If you're an Aboriginal jobseeker, take a look through the information and resources available to assist and support you, and listen to stories from people who have been down that track themselves.
- Career planning – Knowing yourself and your skills, and knowing what you want and how to get there through training or other pathways, is all part of having a plan to help you make decisions and take action to get to your goals.
- Finding a job - So you're ready to go out there and get a job? Got your CV/resumé ready? All good with writing a job application? Ready for a job interview? Take a look at our helpful hints and find out how to get out there and get that job.
- Information and resources – We've put together a list of some great websites and resources with lots of useful information to help with your jobseeking.
Career Connect
Join the Jobs and Skills WA Career Connect Community!
Career Connect is a Facebook group, connected to our Jobs and Skills WA Facebook page. The group brings people together to share information, advice and resources to support people in their job search and career planning plus great information about jobs in WA. The group is free to join, and we encourage open discussion and participation.

Support and assistance
Jobs and Skills Centres are dedicated to helping you be successful and reach your goals, and they're available throughout Western Australia - there's seven regional centres located from Broome in the North to Kalgoorlie in the East and Albany in the South, as well as eight centres in Perth.
Your local centre can help you choose your path, find the best way to get skilled up, and help you write a professional CV and job application. They can also help with choices about whether training is the right option for you, and can give great advice about choosing a training course. All centres also offer free workshops to build your job application writing and interview skills, to boost your confidence as a jobseeker. All services are free.