Located on the Mandurah campus of South Metropolitan TAFE, in WA’s Peel Region, the Peel Jobs and Skills Centre offers a range of information and services linked to training and career development. Our convenient location near Mandurah Road makes it easy to get to by public transport and we provide outreach services at Boddington, Pinjarra, and Waroona throughout the Peel region.
The Peel Jobs and Skills Centre services are supported by Aboriginal and career services from SMYL Community Services. We provide free professional and practical advice on career, training and employment pathways, including information on apprenticeships and traineeships, to assist with job searching, resumé creation, and direct links to job opportunities. Our team has expertise in business and workforce development and welcomes employers and business owners.
You can make an appointment on 13 64 64 or 9586 7411, email our team at peeljsc@smtafe.wa.edu.au or you are welcome to simply walk in for advice.
Our services
Wanju — Welcome to Aboriginal Services at Peel Jobs and Skills Centre.
When you arrive you will see signage with the message ‘Wanju’ meaning ‘Welcome’ in the Noongar language of the Aboriginal people of the South West of Western Australia. The signage pays respect to the land on which the centre stands, and it is an invitation and a welcome to Aboriginal clients and all members of the community. In the Noongar culture changes in the environment signalled the change in season, and with each season Noongar people moved to take advantage of natural resources and opportunities.
Come and meet the team who are all professional career specialists and can help you with information on training, careers and employment pathways. They have local connections with employers and businesses and can assist you with resumés, and interview skills, and link you with local job opportunities, apprenticeships, traineeships, and training programs.
How we can help you
We provide Aboriginal jobseekers with access to quality career, training and employment services, supporting apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities to get into training or get a job. We provide:
- culturally sensitive career services;
- information and advice to choose the best training option based on your goals;
- access to job opportunities through our Aboriginal jobs board and Deadly Jobs Board;
- help with resumés, job applications and interview skills; and
- referrals to other services, depending on your needs.
We shape our services according to the needs of individuals and work with local industries to create connections for Aboriginal clients to local employers. We liaise with the community, businesses and employees to create more culturally aware workplaces that attract and retain Aboriginal employees, and we seek support from Aboriginal communities to ensure our services are appropriate and support clients.
We connect with Indigenous community-based organisations to assist our clients with external referrals to suit their needs.
Our Aboriginal Services team connects with schools with programs such as Clontarf Foundation, Stars Foundation, Follow the Dream and Deadly Sista Girlz, providing career guidance and mentoring to students. We work with all senior schools in the local area.
For more information on our services, please contact us on 13 64 64 or 9586 7411, or email peeljsc@smtafe.wa.edu.au.
Our free jobs boards
We work closely with employers, business owners and industry to identify and create employment opportunities.
We also have a free jobs board with deadly jobs for Aboriginal people.
View our Aboriginal services jobs board
For all the latest news and information about deadly job opportunities, follow our Deadly Jobs page on Facebook.
Deadly Jobs Facebook page!
If you would like assistance with applying for an opportunity, please call us on 13 64 64 or 9586 7411 or email peeljsc@smtafe.wa.edu.au
We provide free and practical advice on training and employment opportunities including career advice, and apprenticeships and traineeships, to assist you with information on education and training courses, career pathway options and the career planning process. Our team can help you with:
- information and guidance on your career choices;
- information about training and courses;
- choosing the right training course or qualification to suit your personal, work or career goals;
- information about different industry areas and occupations;
- job searching and job matching;
- skills and qualification recognition information;
- apprenticeship and traineeship assistance; and
- culturally sensitive employment and career services for Aboriginal people.
To find out more about our career services and how we can help you please call 13 64 64 or 9586 7411, email our team at peeljsc@smtafe.wa.edu.au, or come and visit us.
We provide advice and assistance to support employers and business owners with:
- recruitment assistance, including for apprentices and trainees;
- information on training solutions and services that can be customised to meet enterprise-specific needs;
- advertising employment opportunities on our jobs board or our Aboriginal-specific jobs board;
- advice and resources to support your workforce planning; and
- resources and advice on Aboriginal recruitment and retention strategies.
We will also engage with local communities and industries to help build local workforce solutions.
To find out more about these services and how we can help you, please give us a call on 13 64 64 or 9586 7411 or email our team at peeljsc@smtafe.wa.edu.au, or come and visit us.
We work in partnership with The City of Mandurah, Pinjarra, Waroona and Boddington Community Resources Centres, GP Down South Pinjarra Hub and the Peel Health Hub providing accessible Jobs and Skills Centre services in the Peel region. We have outreach sessions in Serpentine-Jarrahdale, with a suite of Jobs and Skills Centre services including career guidance, employability workshops and recruitment on offer at community locations.
We provide specialist wrap around support services to individuals and businesses wishing to develop pathways for Aboriginal, CaLD and mature age people to support sustainable training and employment outcomes in the Peel region.
Our team collaborates with Peel Development Commission, Perth South Employment Facilitator, Local Jobs and Skills Taskforce, Business Advisory Down South and other key service providers, registered training providers and universities in the region, to ensure staff offer support services targeted to specific regional needs. The team have current Peel region labour market information, to assist individuals and businesses with specific knowledge on local industry and infrastructure development projects and advise on available and emerging opportunities and employment trends.
January events
- Passages Outreach
Monday 13 January 2025
9:30am - 12:30pm
Passages Youth Engagement Hub
20 Davey Street, Mandurah - Peel Health Hub Outreach
Tuesday 14 January 2025
10:00am – 1:00pm
Peel Health Hub
91 Allnutt Street, Mandurah - Passages Outreach
Monday 27 January 2025
9:30am - 12:30pm
Passages Youth Engagement Hub
20 Davey Street, Mandurah - Peel Health Hub Outreach
Tuesday 28 January 2025
10:00am – 1:00pm
Peel Health Hub
91 Allnutt Street, Mandurah
February events
- Waroona Community Outreach
Wednesday 5 February 2025
11:30am - 2:30pm
Waroona CRC
10 Henning Street, Waroona - Passages Outreach
Monday 10 February 2025
9:30am - 12:30pm
Passaged Youth Engagement Hub
20 Davey Street, Mandurah - Peel Health Hub Outreach
Tuesday 11 February 2025
10:00am – 1:00pm
Peel Health Hub
91 Allnutt Street, Mandurah - Passages Outreach
Monday 24 February 2025
9:30am - 12:30pm
Passaged Youth Engagement Hub
20 Davey Street, Mandurah - Peel Health Hub Outreach
Tuesday 25 February 2025
10:00am – 1:00pm
Peel Health Hub
91 Allnutt Street, Mandurah
March events
- Waroona Community Outreach
Wednesday 5 March 2025
11:30am - 2:30pm
Waroona CRC
10 Henning Street, Waroona - Passages Outreach
Monday 10 March 2025
9:30am - 12:30pm
Passaged Youth Engagement Hub
20 Davey Street, Mandurah - Peel Health Hub Outreach
Tuesday 11 March 2025
10:00am – 1:00pm
Peel Health Hub
91 Allnutt Street, Mandurah - Driving Theory Test Registrations
Tuesday 11 March 2025
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Billy Dower Youth Centre
41 Dower Street, Mandurah
Contact Billy Dower Youth Centre on 9550 3670 for bookings - Driving Theory Test Registrations
Tuesday 18 March 2025
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Billy Dower Youth Centre
41 Dower Street, Mandurah
Contact Billy Dower Youth Centre on 9550 3670 for bookings - Waroona Community Outreach
Wednesday 19 March 2025
11:30am - 2:30pm
Waroona CRC
10 Henning Street, Waroona
Visit us
Contact us
Our facilities
We have internet-connected computers available, so that you can browse online for jobs, look up information about training courses, write up a job application or update your CV/resumé.
Peel Jobs and Skills Centre can be reached via the bus route below.
- Route 586 (Mandurah Station to John Tonkin College and Murdoch University)
School day only services. Refer to Timetable 132 - Route 586Route 587 (Mandurah Station to Lakelands via Meadow Springs)
Weekday and weekend services. Refer to Timetable 132 - Route 587
Please refer to the Transperth website for more information on train services to this area.
Parking is available on campus.
The closest car park space to the Jobs and Skills Centre is the main entrance off of Education Drive.
ACROD parking spaces are also available.
There is a cafeteria on the Mandurah TAFE campus that provides a range of food and drinks, and the campus is also within easy walking distance to the Mandurah Greenfields Shopping Centre.