Looking for a new employee? We can help!

A work team.

We know that the success of your business relies heavily on the skills, knowledge and experience of your team members. And when it comes time to find someone new to join the team, it can be a challenge to find someone who's the right fit. 

Jobs and Skills WA is all about supporting Western Australia's businesses and employers to grow their workforce.

And we can help!

Follow the links to find out more.

Jobs and Skills Centres

Western Australia's Jobs and Skills Centres are one-stop-shops for advice and assistance to support businesses and employers. There are 13 centres located throughout Perth and regional WA, with additional outreach locations and services for regional areas. All services are free. JSCs can help if you're looking for:

  • recruitment assistance, including for apprentices and trainees;
  • information on training solutions and services that can be customised to meet enterprise-specific needs;
  • advertising employment opportunities on our jobs board, or our Aboriginal services jobs board; and
  • advice and resources to support your workforce planning.

Specialist support services for businesses seeking to employ Aboriginal people, ex-offenders and people from a culturally or linguistically diverse background are also available.

An employer talking to a JSC team member.

How to contact your local JSC

Please call 13 64 64 to talk to your nearest JSC, and they will be happy to help you over the phone.


Or you can find your nearest JSC on our map and it will give you their email address and direct phone number.


Advertise your vacancy for free on our jobs board

An employer with a female team member.

The Jobs and Skills Centre jobs board assists and supports Western Australian jobseekers to find employment, and is a free service for businesses and employers seeking to attract and recruit employees. You can view the jobs board here

Your local JSC will work with you to put your job advertisement together, and post it to the jobs board. And because they work closely with local jobseekers, they may also be able to connect you with potential employees who would suit your needs. 

To get your vacancy on the jobs board, just call your local JSC on 13 64 64. Or follow the link below to find your local centre and their email contact details.

The Aboriginal services jobs board

The Aboriginal services jobs board has been created specifically to connect employers and business with Aboriginal jobseekers.

When you register as an employer with the jobs board, you can create and list job advertisements for vacancies — promoting your business and employment opportunities to Aboriginal jobseekers all across WA.

We also offer an online application process that enables you to collect and track applications, and manage the entire process of recruitment within a single, easy to use online interface. 

The Aboriginal services jobs board is a service provided completely free of charge to employers and businesses, and jobseekers.

It's easy to use, accessible from any computer or mobile device, and fully supported by your local Jobs and Skills Centre.

Out of Contract Register for apprentices and trainees

We can help you find an apprentice or trainee!

Our Out of Contract Register lists apprentices and trainees who have been displaced due to the impact of COVID-19. They are all skilled and experienced, with some in their 2nd or 3rd year, and ready to start work. And incentives are available for employers!

Incentives to employ and train

Financial incentives are provided by the Western Australian and Commonwealth Governments to help businesses and employers with the cost of taking on a new employee, apprentice or trainee; or for training.

As a business owner or employer, you may also be able to access financial support for the impact of COVID-19.

An employer using a calculator.