Jobs and Skills WA has a range of skilling solutions including training programs and financial incentives to position your business for success and give you a competitive edge when bidding for WA Government tenders.
Follow the links below to find out more.
Skilling Solutions: Building your workforce | Skilling solutions: Support |
Skilling Solutions: Training | Need advice or assistance? |

Skilling Solutions: Building your workforce
Ready to position your business for success and get a competitive edge for WA State Government and commercial tenders? Through Jobs and Skills WA, you can access a range of skilling solutions including training programs and financial incentives to help you do just that! These include:
- an accelerated apprenticeship pathway for experienced construction industry workers;
- financial incentives and support measures to help you grow and develop your workforce;
- assistance and support to hire apprentices and/or trainees;
- new job ready training programs to establish a pipeline of skilled workers; and
- a range of free and low-fee training options to upskill your team.
WA businesses are in a unique position to take advantage of new opportunities through the WA State Government's investment in projects and programs. Hired skilled workers will help you get the job done, and give you a competitive edge when bidding for major WA Government tenders by demonstrating a commitment to take on new employees — in particular; apprentices and trainees.
Building your workforce will enable you to meet any training or entry level employment targets attached to Government tenders, and ensure you have the capability to meet contract requirements. It will also grow your capacity to take on new projects and jobs, and position your business for success.
Skills Recognition Apprenticeship Program
Are you an employer in the construction industry? Do you have employees with skills, experience and knowledge, but no formal qualification? Would you like to help them achieve a trade qualification through an accelerated apprenticeship program for a range of financial incentives and support?
The Skills Recognition Apprenticeship Program (SRAP) offers your employees the opportunity to have their construction industry skills, knowledge and experience assessed and counted towards completion of a nationally recognised trades qualification. Best of all, the SRAP assessment is 100% free for eligible applicants — that's right, no cost to you or your employee!
SRAP — What's in it for you
As a construction industry employer, you could be eligible for a range of financial incentives and/or wage subsidies, including the following.
- Group Training Organisation (GTO) Wage Subsidy- a WA government initiative that provides financial assistance to GTOs to assist small to medium enterprises working on financial assistance to GTOs to assist small to medium enterprises working on government projects, to take on an apprentice of trainee. This wage subsidy covers the average estimated award wage for the nominal duration of the training contract;
- State government Construction Training Fund (CTF) grants of up to $25,000 over the full term of the apprenticeship or traineeship; and
- Commonwealth government incentives and/or wage subsidy payments.
Other benefits for your business include:
- having employees who are fully qualified and trained in current industry practice, safety regulations, and quality standards; and
- a competitive edge when you bid for major WA Government and commercial tenders through demonstrating your commitment to supporting training and apprentices.
SRAP is open to anyone currently working in the construction industry who has construction industry skills, knowledge and experience — there are no age limits, but your employee must be a permanent resident of WA. It is available through TAFE colleges in both metropolitan and regional WA for non-licensed construction trades including carpentry and joinery, painting and decorating, bricklaying, tile laying, plastering, concreting, ceiling and wall fixing, sprinkler fitting, stonemasonry and signwriting.
The first step is for your employee/s to apply through our online expression of interest form.
If the application is successful, the first stage of SRAP is the assessment. This is conducted in accordance with national industry standards. It looks at skills, knowledge and experience to see where the employee demonstrates competency to the standard required by the trades qualification.
Following this assessment, options for the apprenticeship will be discussed with you and your employee.
Employee applications for SRAP must be made via our Expression of Interest form, via the link below. You can also download our information flyer, for details about the program.
Need more information?
If you have questions about SRAP, or would like further information, please call us on 08 6551 5049 or email
SRAP: Skill up your workforce!
Karen Ho, Director General of the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development, recently visited the Perth CBD looking at some of the major construction projects that are currently happening, and talking to some of WA's construction industry leaders about all of the opportunities these present for employers who have skilled workers.
In this short video, Karen talks about SRAP and the advantages that having qualified tradespeople in your construction team can offer you as an employer.
Remember, the skills assessment is FREE — you could be on your way to building a team of qualified tradespeople, through the skills and knowledge they already have!
Job Ready programs — Your pipeline of skilled workers
Our new Job Ready programs are taking a unique approach to developing skilled workers.
Participants enter the program through a screening process to ensure that they are a good fit for the industry, and then undertake targeted training and a work placement.
This approach helps to make participants 'job' ready to enter the workforce, or to transition into an apprenticeship or traineeship.
How you can benefit
Be a work placement host employer
As an industry employer you have an opportunity to host the work placement component of the Job Ready programs, giving you insight into a participant's skills and suitability for future employment. This is also a great way of contributing to the skills development of program participants.
Hire job ready program participants
We encourage employers who have employment opportunities to hire Job Ready participants who have successfully completed the program. You can be confident that your new employee will be job ready, and have skills and knowledge to enter your workforce. You may also be eligible to access financial incentives and support. Case studies illustrating the financial assistance available to employers for apprentices and trainees in the first 12 months of an apprenticeship or traineeship are outlined below, under each job ready program.
If you have employment opportunities for participants completing these programs, or would like to host a work placement, please contact our Service Delivery Coordination Unit on 08 6551 5049 or via email to
Upskill your team
If you would like to upskill your team members for a particular project or job, these programs are a great solution! You might also be interested in the short course skill sets available under the Skills Ready program.
Early Childhood Education and Care Job Ready Program
The Early Childhood Education and Care Job Ready Program is designed to provide an introduction to working in the ECEC sector, and a pathway to a traineeship. The program has the following components:
- Training at a TAFE College or other accredited training provider. Participants will undertake four nationally accredited units of competency from the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care that provide them with the entry level skills to work in the sector; and.
- Work placement in an early learning centre, where participants gain valuable hands on experience working with children by engaging with them in daily tasks and activities.
This program was developed in consultation with industry, relevant peak bodies, and Community Skills WA.
If you are interested in recruiting program participants, or offering work placement to support the program, please contact us on 08 6551 5049 or email You can also download our information flyer for further information about the program.
Driller's Offsider Job Ready Program
The Driller’s Offsider Job Ready Program provides participants with: skills to work safely on site, first aid and CPR; working safely at heights; and how to operate and maintain a four wheel drive vehicle in preparation for working on a mining or exploration site as a driller's offsider. The program also includes a one-day induction, delivered by industry.
This program was developed in consultation with the Resources Industry Training Council and key industry partners, who form part of a steering committee that oversees the program.
The skill set used in the two-week training course for the Driller’s Offsider Job Ready Program contains four nationally accredited units of competency, chosen in consultation with industry, to align with the skills and knowledge needed for entry-level workers.
If you are interested in recruiting program participants, please contact us on 08 6551 5049 or email
You can also download our information flyer for further information about the program.
Future Chef Job Ready Program
The Future Chef Job Ready Program has been developed in consultation with Western Australia's leading hospitality employers and relevant peak bodies, to provide the skills and knowledge required for entry level employment or an apprenticeship in a commercial kitchen. It includes units on infection control policies and procedures, workplace safety, food preparation; how to use a range of food preparation equipment; and food safety. The program combines a training component with an industry work placement, to give participants hands on workplace experience.
Need skilled workers?
This new program offers you an alternative recruitment pathway to access job ready candidates who have completed entry level training, have some experience in a commercial kitchen, and are keen to gain employment in the hospitality industry. As an employer, you can be confident your new employee will have the critical skills required to enter the workforce.
Developing job ready candidates is a key focus of the program, and this starts with an industry-developed expression of interest (EOI) form which gives participants an understanding of some of the key attributes and mandatory requirements employers are seeking. Suitable applicants are then invited to participate in the program and on completion, are connected with employers who have employment opportunities or can offer an apprenticeship.
If you would like to host a program participant for work placement or are interested in recruiting program participants, please contact us on 08 6551 5049 or email
You can also download our information flyer, for further information about the program.
Ageing and Disability Job Ready Program
The Ageing and Disability Job Ready program, developed in partnership with Community Skills WA and key industry partners, is 100% free for eligible students, and supports entry level work in either the ageing or disability services sectors. It is based on the Introduction to Direct Support skills short course, which includes critical skills and knowledge such as compliance with infection prevention and control polices and procedures, conducting manual tasks safely, meeting personal support needs, and communicating and working in health or community services.
The program combines training with an industry work placement, to give participants some hands on workplace experience.
Need skilled workers?
This program offers you an alternative recruitment pathway to access job ready candidates. As an employer, you can be confident your new employee will have the critical skills required to enter the workforce.
Ensuring the program creates a pipeline of right-fit job ready candidates is a key focus of the program. This starts with the industry-developed Expression of Interest (EOI) form which gives participants an understanding of some of the key attributes and mandatory requirements employers are seeking.
The EOI form incorporates key employer value-based questions, and supports participants to identify any existing transferrable skills.
If you would like to host a program participant for work placement, please complete our online form via the link below. You can also download our information flyer, for further information about the program.
If you would like to find out about support available to build your workforce, please email or call 08 6551 5049. |
The free training is available to permanent residents of Western Australia.
Temporary residents holding one of the following visa types are also eligible:
- holders of a sub-class 309, 444, 785, 790, 820 or 826 visa;
- secondary holders of a temporary visa of sub-class 457; and
- holders of a Bridging Visa E (subclasses 050 and 051) where the visa holder has made a valid application for a visa of subclass 785 or 790.
Who is not eligible
- Persons living outside of Western Australia, or Australia, are not eligible.
- International students and people on a student visa are not eligible.
- Students who are still at school are not eligible, and cannot enrol in the free skill sets.
Keen to see what financial incentives you may be entitled to receive by taking on a trainee? Take a look at our case studies below.
Case study: Ageing and Disability program — Financial incentives (healthcare and social assistance sectors)
Liam has been working on a casual basis for What Disability! Perth for five months, and has been offered a traineeship in Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability). Although he likes the flexibility of casual work, Liam is happy to change to part time as a traineeship cannot be undertaken through casual employment. Under part time arrangements the duration of the traineeship will be 18 months, and Liam is hoping the skills and knowledge he’s gained to date can be used to complete his traineeship earlier.
Although Liam was already working for What Disability! Perth before starting the traineeship, his period of employment falls within the new entrant guidelines which means that government funding applies to the traineeship.
On 29 March 2021, Liam started his part time traineeship with regular shifts totaling 25 hours a week.
By employing Liam as a part time trainee, What Disability! Perth may be eligible for a number of incentives and a wage subsidy, payable at different stages of the traineeship.
Take a look at the information below, which outlines the financial incentives and support What Disability! Perth may receive.
State Government Incentives
Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive
This incentive provides financial assistance to Western Australian businesses who employ an apprentice or new entrant trainee and have lodged the training contact for registration on or after 1 July 2019.
Based on Liam’s employment, What Disability! Perth may be entitled to receive the following:
- Base incentive payment $2,125.00; and base payment, and
- An additional loading payment of $212.50 for a traineeship aligned to the State Priority Occupation List (SPOL)
Additional loading payments are also available for trainees with a disability, who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, and who live and work in regional WA. Employers may receive more than one additional loading payment for each eligible training contract.
Detail information about the Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive can be found here
Commonwealth Government Incentives
The Commonwealth Government offers a range of wage subsidies for eligible employers and apprentices/trainees.
Accessing this funding
- State Government incentives are managed by the Department of Training and Workforce Development's Apprenticeship Office. Incentive payments are made to eligible employers through the Western Australian Apprenticeship Management System (WAAMS)
- Commonwealth incentives are managed by Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers Contact a WA Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider
Need some assistance?
For information about traineeships or State Government incentives, please call Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54 (select option 2 for assistance with incentives).
Case study: Ageing and Disability program — Financial incentives (healthcare and social assistance sectors)
Kimberley Kares, located in Derby, has employed 25-year old Lisa as a trainee, to undertake a 12-month traineeship in the Certificate III in Individual Support (Aged Care).
Lisa commenced the traineeship on 22 February 2021 and is employed full time. She identifies as Aboriginal.
By employing Lisa as a trainee, Kimberley Kares may be eligible for a number of incentives and wage subsidy, payable at different stages of the traineeship.
State Government Incentives
Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive
This incentive provides financial assistance to Western Australian businesses who employ an apprentice or new entrant trainee and have lodged the training contact for registration on or after 1 July 2019. Based on Lisa’s employment, Kimberley Kares may be entitled to receive the following.
- A base incentive payment of $2,125.00; and
- An additional loading payment of:
- $212.50 - traineeship is aligned to the State Priority Occupation List (SPOL);
- $425 - trainee lives and works in regional WA; and
- $212.50 - trainee is an Aboriginal person.
Additional loading payments are also available for trainees with a disability, who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, and who live and work in regional WA. Employers may receive more than one additional loading payment for each eligible training contract.
Detailed information about the Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive can be found here -
Commonwealth Government Incentives
The Commonwealth Government, offers a range of payments for eligible employers and apprentices/trainees.
Detailed information about Commonwealth government incentives and wage subsidies can be found here -
Accessing this funding
- State Government incentives are managed by the Department of Training and Workforce Development's Apprenticeship Office. Incentive payments are made to eligible employers through the Western Australian Apprenticeship Management System (WAAMS)
- Commonwealth incentives are managed by Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers Contact a WA Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider
Need some assistance?
For information about traineeships or State government incentives, please call Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54 (select option 2 for assistance with incentives).
Bricklaying Job Ready Program
The Bricklaying Job Ready program was developed in consultation with the Construction Training Fund and key industry partners, to create a pipeline of qualified bricklayers to meet the needs of WA’s building industry. It was introduced as a pathways to employment program, and focuses on the key skills and knowledge needed from day one on the worksite.
Program participants complete the skill set that covers work safety practices, how to use a range of construction equipment and tools including levelling devices, and the skills needed to work in a construction team — through a mix of classroom training, and work placement with industry employers.
Need skilled workers for your project?
If you're looking for new team members, you can access participants who successfully complete the program and be confident that your new employee will have job ready skills and knowledge.
Anyone interested in undertaking the program can register via our Bricklaying Job Ready Program Expression of interest online form via the link below or follow instructions in the information flyer.
For further information about this program, please contact us on 6551 5049 or email
Case study: Bricklaying program financial incentives
Cosy Homebuilders Pty Ltd hired 20 year old Alicia as an apprentice in the Certificate III in Bricklaying/Blocklaying qualification, in July 2022. Alicia is currently working on a residential home building project in the South West of WA.
As a construction business employing Alicia as an apprentice, Cosy Homebuilders Pty Ltd may be eligible for financial incentives and a wage subsidy — payable at different stages of the apprenticeship.
Please note: In this scenario, as the employer is a construction industry employer, financial incentives are accessed through the Construction Training Fund CTF.
In the instance where the employer is undertaking construction work but is not deemed to be a construction employer, financial incentives are accessed through the State government's Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive.
State Government Incentives
Construction Training Fund (CTF) grant
The Construction Training Fund, CTF supports the training and development of a skilled construction workforce in Western Australia, through the provision of financial incentives. Incentives are available to reduce the costs of employing and training an apprentice or trainee, making it easier for eligible businesses and employees to access the training they need when they need it. CTF grants are paid to employers in instalments, over the duration of the apprenticeship.
Commonwealth Government Incentives
The Commonwealth Government, offers a range of payments for eligible employer and apprentices/trainees.
Detailed information about Commonwealth government incentives and wage subsidies can be found here -
Accessing this funding
- CTF grants: Via the CTF online portal
- Commonwealth incentives are managed by Australian Apprenticeships Support Network (AASN) providers Contact a WA Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider
Need some assistance?
For information about traineeships or State government incentives, please call Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54 (select option 2 for assistance with incentives).
Infrastructure Ready program
The Infrastructure Ready pilot program was developed in consultation with Government and industry partners, and commenced as a pilot program in October 2020. With over $2 billion invested by government infrastructure projects in WA, there is an unprecedented demand for skilled workers to meet the needs of the sector.
Participants complete the Infrastructure Ready, job ready program, where they learn about working safely on civil construction sites (including their White Card training), carrying out measurements and calculations, how to prepare and organise construction work, and how to operate small plant and equipment used in civil construction projects. Participants will also get an inside look at some of WA’s key civil construction projects.
Need skilled workers for your project?
If you're looking for new team members, you can access participants who successfully complete the program, and be confident that your new employee will have job ready skills and knowledge.
If you would like to host a program participant for their work placement, please complete our online form.
Any existing or potential employees interested in participating should complete the Infrastructure Ready Program Expression of interest online form via the link below or follow instructions in the information flyer. For further information about this program, please contact us on 6551 5049 or email
Case study: Civil construction program financial incentives
Albany Earthworks employed 25-year old Franco Pellegrino as an apprentice in the Certificate III in Civil Construction qualification, in July 2022. Franco will be working on infrastructure projects in WA's south west.
As a WA construction business employing Franco as a trainee, Albany Earthworks may be eligible for a number of incentives and a wage subsidy — payable at different stages of the traineeship.
Please note: In this scenario, as the employer is a construction industry employer financial incentives are accessed through Construction Training Fund (CTF).
In the instance where the employer is undertaking construction work but is not deemed to be a construction employer, financial incentives are accessed through the State Government's Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive.
State Government Incentives
Group Training Organisation (GTO) Wage Subsidy
The Group Training Organisation (GTO) Wage Subsidy is a WA government initiative that provides financial assistance to GTOs to assist small to medium enterprises working on government projects, to take on an apprentice of trainee.
This wage subsidy covers the average estimated award wage for the nominal duration of the training contract.
Construction Training Fund WA (CTF) grant
The Construction Industry Training Fund (CTF) supports the training and development of a skilled construction workforce in Western Australia, through the provision of financial incentives. Incentives are available to reduce the costs of employing and training an apprentice or trainee, making it easier for eligible businesses and employees to access the training they need when they need it. CTF grants are paid to employers in instalments, over the duration of the apprenticeship.
Commonwealth Government Incentives
The Commonwealth Government offers a range of payments for eligible employers and apprentices/trainees.
Detailed information about Commonwealth government incentives and wages subsidies can be found here -
Accessing this funding
- CTF grants: Via the CTF online portal
- Commonwealth incentives are managed by Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers: Contact a WA Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider
Need some assistance?
For information about traineeships or State government incentives, please call Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54 (select option 2 for assistance with incentives).

Hire a new apprentice or trainee
Employing an apprentice or trainee can help you to develop your workforce with the support a range of incentives available to assist with the costs of taking on a new employee.
When you hire an apprentice or trainee, you're gaining a new team member who will have a long term commitment to your business and become highly skilled through a structured program of on the job training with your organisation and off the job training at a TAFE or private training provider.
Apprenticeships generally include traditional trades such as building and construction; traineeships are usually in non-trade areas such as business and health. Both are available to people of all ages, and may be available on a full time or part time basis, and/or as a school based apprenticeship or traineeship during Years 11 and 12 at school.
The best part is; hiring an apprentice or trainee is hassle-free! The following steps outline the process.
You can choose to do this yourself, through your regular recruitment process, or contact an AASN. There are a number of Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers in WA funded by the Australian Government to provide advice and assistance to help you find an apprentice or trainee.
AASN providers also provide pre-commencement services including screening, testing and job-matching to get the right apprentice in the right apprenticeship with the right employer. AASN providers also engage with the Department of Training and Workforce Development Apprenticeship Office to help manage the training contract, training plan approvals and completion arrangements. In addition they can offer, as required, in-training support services such as mentoring, which will help apprentices and employers at risk of not completing the apprenticeship arrangement to work through issues and difficulties. For more information and advice contact an AASN provider.
The Apprenticeship Community |
MEGT Apprenticeship Network Provider |
Once you have your new apprentice or trainee, an AASN provider will work with you to find a TAFE college or registered training organisation (RTO) who will provide the off the job training, and organise for a training contract to be initiated.
The training contract is a legally binding agreement which sets out your obligations as an employer, and for your new apprentice or trainee. The AASN provider will lodge the training contract with the Department of Training and Workforce Development Apprenticeship Office for registration, and you will receive notification once the contract has been registered. A training plan will also be developed by your TAFE or RTO, to set up arrangements for the off the job training.
Apprenticeship Office will administer the training contract for the duration of the apprenticeship or traineeship; this includes recording or approving variations to the contract, and assisting in resolving any disputes that may arise.
Out of contract register for employers
Find a skilled apprentice or trainee!
An Out of Contract Register has been established to assist apprentices and trainees who have recently had their training contract terminated or cancelled.
The register lists out of contract apprentices and trainees in metropolitan and regional Western Australia.
This register does not disclose personal information - just details about the industry area the apprenticeship or traineeship is in, and the apprentice or trainee's location (e.g.; Perth metropolitan or regional area).
This register is also provided to the WA Jobs and Skills Centres, Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers and group training organisations (GTOs) who work with employers and can help connect them with apprentices and trainees looking for employment.
As an employer, you can access the register to look through a list of apprentices and trainees — in a range of different industry areas — many of whom have progressed well into their training and have the skills and knowledge you need for your team.
Financial incentives and support for employers of apprentices and trainees
Apprenticeships and traineeships provide businesses with skilled workers across a range of trades and occupations. Hiring an apprentice or trainee is a commitment to developing our State's pipeline of skilled workers to meet current and future workforce demand.
We understand that hiring and training an apprentice or trainee, or any new employee has some associated costs. To assist you with these costs, and provide a boost for your business, there's a range of financial incentives available to employers. The State and Commonwealth governments have also made a range of financial support measures available to businesses.
Apprenticeship Office Helpline

Need support, information or assistance with apprenticeships or traineeships, or accessing financial incentives and support? Call the Apprenticeship Office Helpline on 13 19 54.
For callers outside of WA, please phone us on 08 6551 5499.
You can also contact Apprenticeship Office by email via, or use our online enquiry form and they will contact you.
Pre-apprenticeships and pre-traineeships
A pre-apprenticeship or pre-traineeship is a nationally accredited Certificate II level qualification that includes a mandatory work placement coordinated by a TAFE college or registered training organisation (RTO). The goal of this training is to provide participants with industry specific training, combined with hands-on experience in a real workplace, to gain skills and knowledge to prepare them for an apprenticeship or traineeship. There are many of these courses available at TAFE colleges and other RTOs across Western Australia.
Hiring a person who has completed a pre-apprenticeship or pre-traineeship offers great benefits for your business. Not only will your new team member already have skills and knowledge, but their completed training can be recognised as credit towards a full apprenticeship or traineeship; so you will have a fully qualified employee in less time (and with less cost!). You may also be eligible for financial incentives and support.
Group training organisations
Perhaps your business would benefit from having an apprentice or trainee, but you may not have capacity to employ one because you are unable to offer a permanent position or guarantee ongoing work for the duration of the apprenticeship or traineeship. Or maybe your business can't provide the range of work required to cover all the necessary job skills for their qualification, or manage the administrative and human resources work related to an extra employee.
Group training is a training and employment arrangement where an organisation, known as a group training organisation (GTOs), employs apprentices and trainees under a training contract and hosts them out to employers, giving you the all the benefits of having an apprentice or trainee without being the actual employer. The GTO retains all employer responsibilities and supports the apprentice or trainee to achieve the successful completion of the training contract.
Benefits for your business
A GTO can provide you with apprentices and trainees that meet your needs, in a range of skills areas, for agreed periods of time. GTOs screen all apprentices and trainees to ensure that they are suitable for your business.
Your GTO will manage all aspects of the recruitment process, and cover all of the apprentice or trainee entitlements including salary, leave, superannuation and workers' compensation. They may also provide personal protective equipment (PPE), an induction, and handle all administration and paperwork related to the training contract.
To find out more about what a GTO can offer your business, view the list of GTOs in WA and contact those that match with your business and skills needs.
Skills Ready
Need to upskill your workforce for new jobs or projects? There's never been a better time to get into training!
Skills Ready: Free short courses and skill sets!
We have worked closely with WA industries, businesses and employers to find out the types of skills needed right now and for future jobs, then developed free short courses and skill sets using units from nationally recognised vocational qualifications. There's a range of infection control skill sets that are free for everyone, and a suite of job ready skill sets in a range of industry areas — some free for everyone, and others free for eligible students including people aged 15—24.
Lower fees, local skills — reduced course fees slashed
We have reduced the course fees for 210 qualifications — some by as much as 72 per cent — through the Lower fees, local skills program! From entry level pre-apprenticeships and pre-traineeships, through to Certificates II, III, IV and even Diploma level qualifications — including apprenticeships and traineeships — there's sure to be something that aligns with your business.

Skilling solutions: Support
To support you with the costs associated with employing and training workers to grow your business, a range of financial incentives and support measures are available through the State and Commonwealth governments.
Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive
If you hire a new apprentice or trainee, you could be eligible for the Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive of up to $8,500. You may also be eligible to receive additional loading payments for target groups including people aged 21—30 years of age, Aboriginal people, people with disability, and apprentices and trainees who are living and working in regional areas of WA.
Other financial incentives and support to employ and train
In addition to financial incentives and support for employers who hire apprentices and trainees, there are a large number of other measures for which you may be eligible. These include incentives and support for employing and/or training people with disability, mature age people, Aboriginal and Indigenous people, and youth.

Need advice or assistance?
Apprenticeship Office
For more information about apprenticeships and traineeships, and the State Government incentives program, please contact the Apprenticeship Office:
T: 13 19 54
E: (apprenticeships and traineeships)
Service Delivery Coordination Unit
The Department of Training and Workforce Development has established a dedicated unit to support industry, employers and business. If you have any queries about the job ready programs outlined on this page, please contact us:
T: 08 6551 5049
Our free jobs boards for employers
Did you know we have online jobs boards where you can post your employment opportunities?
The Jobs and Skills WA jobs board is supported by our network of 15 Jobs and Skills Centres (JSCs) across WA who work directly with jobseekers and employers. Your local JSC will work with you to put your vacancy together, then post it on our jobs board Once posted to the jobs board, we can also promote your employment opportunity through our social media channels and to all WA JSCs. These services are all free!
If you have an employment opportunity for an Aboriginal person, we have a dedicated Aboriginal services jobs board. Your local JSC can assist in posting your vacancy, and this is also a free service.
Workforce planning information and resources
You work hard to meet your business goals, and investing time into planning and developing your workforce can be a challenge. Having the right information, tools and resources to support the process is the first step to success. We have a range of useful information, templates, links and resources to assist you to better plan, attract, develop and retain a skilled workforce that can help you reach those business goals now and into the future.

Jobs and Skills Centres
Jobs and Skills Centres, located across Perth and regional Western Australia, work closely with employers and businesses to provide free information and support about training and workforce development. JSCs are connected with local jobseekers, and can assist you to find an apprentice or trainee as well as help with information about financial support and incentives. They also offer a free online jobs board, here on the Jobs and Skills WA website, where you can post employment opportunities. All services are free! Contact your local JSC to find out how they can help you.