Jobs and Skills Centre opens to support Collie workers

Support for Collie workers has reached another milestone today, with a new Jobs and Skills Centre (JSC) opening in the heart of the local community as the town continues its transition to a more sustainable future.

The new Collie JSC at the Collie Central Shopping Centre is a one-stop shop for workforce transition services, supporting community members and businesses needing to look for new opportunities as State-owned coal-fired power stations are retiring over the coming years.

The new Collie JSC provides free and practical career, training and employment assistance, and is the base for South Regional TAFE's Training Transition Team.

The Training Transition Team provides services including free skills assessments and individual training transition plans to support the retraining of local workers in a coordinated way.

Local businesses and industries can access specialist support for their training needs including the development of a training needs plan, a skills gap analysis to identify opportunities to upskill workers, and assessment of new workers' skills and experience to identify training solutions.

The support is part of the State Government's $662 million Collie Transition Package to provide opportunities for workers and the community and ensure there continues to be well-paid, local, blue-collar jobs in the Collie region.

Services at Western Australia's JSCs are free and accessible to all members of the community. Contact your local JSC on 13 64 64 or find your local Jobs and Skills Centre location

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