Video editor

What they do

Video editors apply creative and technical editing skills to tell an effective story in either film or video format. They need to consider the mood, pace and climax of films, television programmes, video productions or commercials. They work with raw, unedited footage (‘dailies’ or ‘rushes’) and select scenes, trim sections and arrange them to produce the final product. They also add music, sound effects, animations and other visual effects (VFX). They consult with production team members to discuss scene selections and any re-shooting of scenes.

In Western Australia, video editors may work for television and broadcasting stations or production companies in major metropolitan and regional areas.

Working conditions

Video editors usually work in air-conditioned/heated offices, or in studio editing suites. They generally work business hours, however, they may be required to work overtime (evenings and on weekends) during a project to meet deadlines. Some video editors may work remotely in home-based editing suites and send their work through to the production company or studio.

Tools and technologies

Video editors use specialist software programs to assemble individual shots into a story-telling sequence. They also correct and adjust transitions, apply colour-grading corrections, and add audio such as music, narrations and sound effects using software programs such as Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro.

How do I become one?

Education and training

You can work as a video editor without any formal qualifications and get training on the job. However, entry into this occupation may be improved by obtaining a qualification in screen and media, video and audio systems or a related area.

The Certificate IV in Digital Media Technologies, Certificate IV in Screen and Media, Diploma of Digital Media Technologies, Diploma of Screen and Media and the Diploma of Screen and Media (Film and Television) are offered at TAFE colleges and other registered training organisations throughout Western Australia. To find a training provider near you, browse the Jobs and Skills WA website or visit the My Skills website.

You can also study a degree in digital media, film or screen production. Most universities in Western Australia offer relevant courses. Contact the universities you are interested in for more information.

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