
What they do

Orthoptists detect, diagnose and treat disorders of the eye, both in relation to impaired vision and eye movement.

Orthoptists carry-out eye examinations and vision tests. They can prescribe lenses and other optical aids and therapy, as well as diagnose and manage eye movement disorders and associated sensory problems.

There are approximately eight orthoptists working in Western Australia.

Working conditions

Orthoptists work in a diverse range of settings, including hospitals, private practices, low vision and rehabilitation settings and research centres. They may work as part of the team within the eye unit itself, or independently as community orthoptists. Most orthoptists work fulltime averaging about 40 hours per week.

Tools and technologies

Orthoptists need to use specialised diagnostic and imaging tools to analyse diseases of the eye. They use depth perception apparatuses, eye charts, lenses, prisms and various scopes.

A range of technologies are used including training and medical software.

How do I become one?

Education and training

To become an orthoptist, you need to study a post graduate degree in orthoptics.

There are no courses in orthoptics available in Western Australia. However, there may be opportunities to complete some course components in WA.

La Trobe University in Victoria offers a four-year combined Bachelor of Applied Science and Master of Orthoptics. The University of Technology in Sydney offers a two-year Master of Orthoptics. Contact the universities you are interested in for more information.

Required registration and licensing

To work as an orthoptist in WA, you may need to obtain registration from the Australian Orthoptic Board.