Certificate III in Individual Support
If you would like a rewarding career helping those that need support due to ageing, disability or other personal circumstances, this is the perfect course to get started.
Many people require support, at different times of their lives and for different reasons — due to ageing, disability, or other circumstances that affect their ability to live independently. Working in individual support can provide you with a lifelong career that is very rewarding, and skilled workers are in high demand.
Gain the knowledge and skills to work effectively in the aged care industry or disability sector; caring for and enabling people to maintain independence. You'll also learn about supporting people with dementia, safety procedures, ethical behaviour, infection control, working with cultural diversity, and workplace health and safety.
Completion of this nationally recognised and accredited qualification can provide credit towards a relevant higher level qualification, should you wish to pursue further study.
Please note: This qualification is not eligible for fee-free training if undertaken as an existing worker traineeship (EWT). However; selected qualifications in key industry sectors are available as EWTs, with reduced course fees (limited places may apply). To see the list of qualifications available as reduced fee EWTs, please visit jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/training#subsidised-training and select the 'Existing worker traineeships' tab. To find out whether an EWT is available for this qualification at a particular TAFE college or private training provider, please contact them directly via the information provided on this course page.
Training options
- Fee-free
- Apprenticeship or traineeship
- Existing worker traineeship
- School-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBAT)
Industry area
- Education and Community Services
Study areas
- Aged Care
- Disability Services
Course ID
- National ID: CHC33021
- WA State ID: BIC0
This course is not currently available at any WA TAFE colleges.
For more information about other courses available or coming up at TAFE, use our map to locate and contact your closest TAFE campus
This course is available from registered training organisations (accredited private training providers) that are also funded through Jobs and Skills WA. Select from the list below, and follow the link to the provider's website for further information about the course and how to enrol.

Are you passionate about people? Equip yourself with the knowledge and practical skills to offer person-centred support, with Activ Pathways as your learning partner. Gain valuable knowledge and skills in the care sector, to foster independence and community access for people with disability. Learn how to provide daily supports, dignity and choice. We offer programs that are designed for current workers in the care industry, and programs that cater for people looking to join the industry. Our purpose is to provide learning environments where students can learn with confidence and grow into their potential to pursue their chosen career path. Our experienced trainers, dedication to quality, and partnerships with industry are here to help you achieve your goals. Call 9208 5027 or email pathways@activ.asn.au to find out more!”
Delivery locations

Students undertaking this qualification through the Traineeship pathway are employed by organisations who have been assessed by AICE as having the capacity to provide the required resources to support the traineeship and on-the-job training. The students have access to AICE Training facilities, and access to a suite of e-learning material, scheduled learning support with Trainers, online interactive discussion through the student portal or via Skype/Zoom/Teams. These resources are provided to students for access during and outside work hours. Our team of trainers and assessors are all practicing health care professionals who draw on their depth of industry experience to create a rewarding learning environment. We work closely with industry groups and professionals to ensure our courses meet the needs of the sector and community they serve.
Delivery location

This qualification will provide you with the fundamental skills required to work effectively in a community and/or residential setting and provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing, disability, or some other reason. You will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to use your discretion and judgement in relation to individual support. We offer this qualification as a six month course, with classes two days per week. This also includes work placement which will be arranged for students.
Delivery location

This course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to work in the Aged Care industry in a home care or residential care facility under supervision with clearly defined guidelines and services plans. This qualification reflects the role of support workers who follow an individualised care plan to provide person centred care to clients. Care workers’ duties include:
- Carrying out activities to maintain an individuals’ well-being through personal care and/or general activities of daily living.
- Carry out tasks related to an individualised client care plan.
- Support community participation and social inclusion.
- Reporting directly to a supervisor.
Call us on 1300 411 371 to find out more.
Delivery location

Make a real difference in people’s lives! If you love working with people and making a real difference to people’s lives, then a career as a support worker is the perfect job for you! A Support Worker provides personal, physical and emotional support to older clients or clients living with a disability and assists them with daily tasks such as showering, dressing, shopping, preparing food, outings and social activities, increasing their quality of life. This qualification sets you up for a rewarding career in aged care, community home care, disability care or community-based home care organisations. Training is offered through the traineeship model, where you earn while you learn on the job, or through classroom-based training and work placement at our training centres. An experienced, local ATC Work Smart Trainer/Assessor will support you every step of the way and lead you to success. You will be able to contact your Trainer when you need them, plus they regularly visit you in the workplace to offer guidance and support across our delivery regions in Perth, Peel/Mandurah, South West and Great Southern. This qualification is part of the government's FEE FREE initiative where you won’t pay any course fees from the 1st January 2024. Some eligibility conditions apply for the free training, please contact us at 1300 177 337 or visit our website for further information.
Delivery locations

Auscare Training Organisation, a leading health care RTO, provides CHC33021 Certificate in Individual Support for intensive 15 weeks. Email admin@auscaregroup.com.au for more information.
Delivery location

Our CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)course is a nationally recognised pathway into the aged care industry and is designed to develop multi-skilled workers for the broad range of services supporting ageing people in residential and community settings. This specialisation (Ageing) has been designed for individuals who want to work in the aged care industry, either in a home and community care environment or an aged care facility. Students who complete this qualification are able to provide personal, in person care to the elderly in a variety of settings including people’s homes, residential facilities, retirement villages, nursing homes and hospitals. Australian Employment & Training Services (AEATS) deliver a classroom-based program with a coordinated work placement component facilitated by industry experts. AEATS offers this program via classroom delivery, three days per week for a period of 17 weeks before completing an additional 120 hours of workplace assessment. AEATS has a broad range of Aged Care facilities which it utilises for placement and has a long history of supplying quality trained staff to the industry. If you are considering undertaking this qualification, please talk to our enrolment team who will explain in further details the requirements of the course, including pricing and commencement dates. AEATS offers this program on a weekly rolling enrolment program meaning you can commence your course straight away after meeting the enrolment criteria and supply of essential information. Please visit www.aeats.com.au for further information.
Delivery location

CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support is delivered face to face over a 17 week period followed by 120 hours of work placement. This qualification includes 15 units of competency and includes ageing and disability support. Our training is very interactive and encourages learners to participate so that they gain the most from their experience. All our trainers and assessors have extensive experience in the aged care and/or disability sectors. Our training rooms are easily accessible, with free parking and easy access to bus and train transport. Students are provided with all class requirements including uniform shirts and laptops for in-class sessions.
Delivery location

The Certificate III in Individual Support offers learners the opportunity to earn while you learn. Sero offers a great program with blended delivery via LMS/Online learning, face to face support sessions in your workplace and one on one or small group training tailored to fit your needs. For more information about this program such as unit selection, outcomes, visits or more, please contact Simon on 0402843573 for information about our program and how to register.
Delivery location

Established in 2010, Gateway Training Academy has helped thousands of students achieve their educational goals and assisted clients in numerous industries with workforce development. Gateway prides itself on its ethos of mutual respect and Integrity. With a world-class curriculum and an interactive learning management system, Gateway is committed to the student experience and ensuring support is just a few clicks or a phone call away. This qualification reflects the role of individuals in the community, home or residential care setting who work under supervision and delegation as a part of a multi-disciplinary team, following an individualised plan to provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing, disability or some other reason. The CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support is delivered predominately in a classroom setting, with additional self-paced learning and a mandatory work placement of 120 hours. Students are supported by Gateway’s fully qualified and industry experienced trainers through out their course. Graduates may then wish to continue their study and enrol into the CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support.
Delivery location

CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability) This qualification is for those who want to work in the community or in a residential setting, following a customised plan to give person-centred assistance to individuals who may need it due to ageing, disability or other circumstances. Work involves using discretion and judgement in relation to individual support as well as taking responsibility for own outputs. Workers have a range of factual, technical and procedural knowledge, as well as some theoretical knowledge of the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support. Industry Skills Training delivers this qualification in a class based setting with a work placement component or via a traineeship arrangement. Call us today! 1300 757 296
Delivery location

Are you ready to make a difference in someone’s life? Discover your rewarding career in the Aged Care Sector and learn from our industry experts to obtain the qualification to undertake roles such as Residential Support Worker, Home Care Worker, or a Care Support Officer. Get the job ready skills required to provide person-centred support to those who may need extra help in their lives. Enrol today to get started in a Certificate III in Individual Support at Insight Training and kickstart your career! This qualification is directly aligned with priority industry areas where the jobs are today and well into the future. Our classroom delivery is available in Joondalup, Morley and Rockingham. If you currently work in this area you can undertake a traineeship with your employer. Contact us today to find out more on 1300 046 744
Delivery location

The CHC33021- Certificate III in Individual Support Course provides a strong foundation for support roles in health care settings. You will learn to work with clients under the supervision of professional health staff. IHNA is offering this course with 2 days of classes weekly on campus at Perth CBD. Upon getting this qualification, you will be able to work as home care assistant, Personal care worker, Support Worker, Disability worker, Care assistant, Residential support worker etc. For admission enquiries, please contact enquiry@ihna.edu.au or 1800 22 52 83.
Delivery location

Start your new career in aged care or disability FEE FREE 2024* - Nationally accredited Certificate III In Individual Support (Ageing & Disability) - As a fee free course, eligible students can study for $0* - Become an Aged or disability worker - Study at our Balcatta campus www.learnedtraining.com.au
Course Code: CHC33021 RTO Code: 52504
*Please note that due to government requirements, those on Student Visas are not eligible to apply for this course.
Delivery location

This qualification reflects the role of workers in the community and/or residential setting who follow an individualised plan to provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing. Work involves using discretion and judgement in relation to individual support as well as taking responsibility for own outputs. Upon completion of this qualification, students are eligible to apply for roles such as:
- Personal Carer
- Support Worker
- Respite Worker
The training is conducted by a qualified, industry current trainer and assessor to ensure the learning is relevant and up to date. This training will take place in a classroom environment using face-to-face training methods at one of our study locations. Intakes are scheduled throughout the year.
Delivery locations

Would you like to develop your career in the aged care industry? Gain the latest nationally recognised training for care givers and support workers. This CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) qualification reflects the role of community workers who provide personalised support to those who may require support due to ageing, disability or other reasons.The course is run over 21 weeks and includes 120 hours of work placement.
Delivery location

Skills Generation offers CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support in the Disability, Ageing and Disability and Ageing specialisations. Training will be delivered prominently via live online classes – 2 x 3 hour sessions each week plus monthly practical days. A flexible timetable is provided with sessions available in the morning and evening to enable students to schedule around your work roster. As an existing worker, you may be able to complete some units of your course through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Prior to enrolment, we will discuss your current situation and existing skills to identify if RPL would be suitable. Skills Generation will then create a Training Plan for you to get your qualification ASAP. Visit skillsgeneration.com.au or call 1800 838 295 for more information or to discuss your options.
Delivery location

CHC33021 - The Certificate III in Individual Support is designed to develop a broad range of competencies and skills. The demand for aged care, support workers and caregivers in the community sector is increasing. Employers small and large are seeking individuals with the relevant qualifications, skills and a passion to help and care for others. Learn the skills and gain knowledge that will prepare you for a job in this varied industry. Through the Strategix Certificate III in Individual Support, you will be equipped for a position as a nursing assistant, personal carer, aged care worker, disability worker or a range of other jobs. The Certificate III in Individual Support also incorporates a work experience element so you will get to put into practice the theory & skills you learn. During the course, you will increase your skills in the areas of:
- Individualised support
- Communication
- Cultural diversity
- Working with the elderly
- Community and social inclusion
- Ongoing skills development and more
- Providing disability support
For more information visit the below webpage https://strategix.edu.au/courses/cert-iii-in-individual-support-chc33021/ (08) 9527 6553 Delivery Method: Face to Face learning (3 days per week) 6 months duration + 125 Vocational placement hours. Program: Participation - Work Readiness. Location: Rockingham & Armadale.
Delivery location

If you are driven to providing help to those in the community that are most in need, enrolling in a Certificate III in Individual Support course is one way you can use your passion for the benefit of others. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to provide individualised support and person centred care (PCC) to those who require support through either ageing, disabilities or other hindering factors. Providing support to others is one of the most rewarding careers there is and to begin this journey a Cert III in Individual Support is a perfect start. Aged Care Course Outline Learners within this course will undertake their learning and assessments in a mixed mode delivery method. These include: 3 days per week 5 hours per day (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) for approximately 29 weeks. Workplace based learning with a 160 hours of required work placement (4 weeks of work placement undertaken in 2 x 2 week allocations). Monthly group support lessons for those wanting that little bit extra support. Practical workplace assessments along with direct observation.
Delivery location

This qualification reflects the role of individuals in the community, home or residential care setting who work under supervision and delegation as a part of a multi-disciplinary team, following an individualised plan to provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing, disability or some other reason. These individuals take responsibility for their own outputs within the scope of their job role and delegation. Workers have a range of factual, technical and procedural knowledge, as well as some theoretical knowledge of the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support. The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice. To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have completed at least 120 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of the units of competency. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
Delivery location
Many people require support, at different times of their lives and for different reasons — due to ageing, disability, or other circumstances that affect their ability to live independently. Working in individual support can provide you with a lifelong career that is very rewarding, and skilled workers are in high demand.
Gain the knowledge and skills to work effectively in the aged care industry or disability sector; caring for and enabling people to maintain independence. You'll also learn about supporting people with dementia, safety procedures, ethical behaviour, infection control, working with cultural diversity, and workplace health and safety.
Completion of this nationally recognised and accredited qualification can provide credit towards a relevant higher level qualification, should you wish to pursue further study.
Please note: This qualification is not eligible for fee-free training if undertaken as an existing worker traineeship (EWT). However; selected qualifications in key industry sectors are available as EWTs, with reduced course fees (limited places may apply). To see the list of qualifications available as reduced fee EWTs, please visit jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/training#subsidised-training and select the 'Existing worker traineeships' tab. To find out whether an EWT is available for this qualification at a particular TAFE college or private training provider, please contact them directly via the information provided on this course page.
Training options
- Fee-free
- Apprenticeship or traineeship
- Existing worker traineeship
- School-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBAT)
Industry area
- Education and Community Services
Study areas
- Aged Care
- Disability Services
Course ID
- National ID: CHC33021
- WA State ID: BIC0
This course is not currently available at any WA TAFE colleges.
For more information about other courses available or coming up at TAFE, use our map to locate and contact your closest TAFE campus
This course is available from registered training organisations (accredited private training providers) that are also funded through Jobs and Skills WA. Select from the list below, and follow the link to the provider's website for further information about the course and how to enrol.

Are you passionate about people? Equip yourself with the knowledge and practical skills to offer person-centred support, with Activ Pathways as your learning partner. Gain valuable knowledge and skills in the care sector, to foster independence and community access for people with disability. Learn how to provide daily supports, dignity and choice. We offer programs that are designed for current workers in the care industry, and programs that cater for people looking to join the industry. Our purpose is to provide learning environments where students can learn with confidence and grow into their potential to pursue their chosen career path. Our experienced trainers, dedication to quality, and partnerships with industry are here to help you achieve your goals. Call 9208 5027 or email pathways@activ.asn.au to find out more!”
Delivery locations

Students undertaking this qualification through the Traineeship pathway are employed by organisations who have been assessed by AICE as having the capacity to provide the required resources to support the traineeship and on-the-job training. The students have access to AICE Training facilities, and access to a suite of e-learning material, scheduled learning support with Trainers, online interactive discussion through the student portal or via Skype/Zoom/Teams. These resources are provided to students for access during and outside work hours. Our team of trainers and assessors are all practicing health care professionals who draw on their depth of industry experience to create a rewarding learning environment. We work closely with industry groups and professionals to ensure our courses meet the needs of the sector and community they serve.
Delivery location

This qualification will provide you with the fundamental skills required to work effectively in a community and/or residential setting and provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing, disability, or some other reason. You will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to use your discretion and judgement in relation to individual support. We offer this qualification as a six month course, with classes two days per week. This also includes work placement which will be arranged for students.
Delivery location

This course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to work in the Aged Care industry in a home care or residential care facility under supervision with clearly defined guidelines and services plans. This qualification reflects the role of support workers who follow an individualised care plan to provide person centred care to clients. Care workers’ duties include:
- Carrying out activities to maintain an individuals’ well-being through personal care and/or general activities of daily living.
- Carry out tasks related to an individualised client care plan.
- Support community participation and social inclusion.
- Reporting directly to a supervisor.
Call us on 1300 411 371 to find out more.
Delivery location

Make a real difference in people’s lives! If you love working with people and making a real difference to people’s lives, then a career as a support worker is the perfect job for you! A Support Worker provides personal, physical and emotional support to older clients or clients living with a disability and assists them with daily tasks such as showering, dressing, shopping, preparing food, outings and social activities, increasing their quality of life. This qualification sets you up for a rewarding career in aged care, community home care, disability care or community-based home care organisations. Training is offered through the traineeship model, where you earn while you learn on the job, or through classroom-based training and work placement at our training centres. An experienced, local ATC Work Smart Trainer/Assessor will support you every step of the way and lead you to success. You will be able to contact your Trainer when you need them, plus they regularly visit you in the workplace to offer guidance and support across our delivery regions in Perth, Peel/Mandurah, South West and Great Southern. This qualification is part of the government's FEE FREE initiative where you won’t pay any course fees from the 1st January 2024. Some eligibility conditions apply for the free training, please contact us at 1300 177 337 or visit our website for further information.
Delivery locations

Auscare Training Organisation, a leading health care RTO, provides CHC33021 Certificate in Individual Support for intensive 15 weeks. Email admin@auscaregroup.com.au for more information.
Delivery location

Our CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)course is a nationally recognised pathway into the aged care industry and is designed to develop multi-skilled workers for the broad range of services supporting ageing people in residential and community settings. This specialisation (Ageing) has been designed for individuals who want to work in the aged care industry, either in a home and community care environment or an aged care facility. Students who complete this qualification are able to provide personal, in person care to the elderly in a variety of settings including people’s homes, residential facilities, retirement villages, nursing homes and hospitals. Australian Employment & Training Services (AEATS) deliver a classroom-based program with a coordinated work placement component facilitated by industry experts. AEATS offers this program via classroom delivery, three days per week for a period of 17 weeks before completing an additional 120 hours of workplace assessment. AEATS has a broad range of Aged Care facilities which it utilises for placement and has a long history of supplying quality trained staff to the industry. If you are considering undertaking this qualification, please talk to our enrolment team who will explain in further details the requirements of the course, including pricing and commencement dates. AEATS offers this program on a weekly rolling enrolment program meaning you can commence your course straight away after meeting the enrolment criteria and supply of essential information. Please visit www.aeats.com.au for further information.
Delivery location

CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support is delivered face to face over a 17 week period followed by 120 hours of work placement. This qualification includes 15 units of competency and includes ageing and disability support. Our training is very interactive and encourages learners to participate so that they gain the most from their experience. All our trainers and assessors have extensive experience in the aged care and/or disability sectors. Our training rooms are easily accessible, with free parking and easy access to bus and train transport. Students are provided with all class requirements including uniform shirts and laptops for in-class sessions.
Delivery location

The Certificate III in Individual Support offers learners the opportunity to earn while you learn. Sero offers a great program with blended delivery via LMS/Online learning, face to face support sessions in your workplace and one on one or small group training tailored to fit your needs. For more information about this program such as unit selection, outcomes, visits or more, please contact Simon on 0402843573 for information about our program and how to register.
Delivery location

Established in 2010, Gateway Training Academy has helped thousands of students achieve their educational goals and assisted clients in numerous industries with workforce development. Gateway prides itself on its ethos of mutual respect and Integrity. With a world-class curriculum and an interactive learning management system, Gateway is committed to the student experience and ensuring support is just a few clicks or a phone call away. This qualification reflects the role of individuals in the community, home or residential care setting who work under supervision and delegation as a part of a multi-disciplinary team, following an individualised plan to provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing, disability or some other reason. The CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support is delivered predominately in a classroom setting, with additional self-paced learning and a mandatory work placement of 120 hours. Students are supported by Gateway’s fully qualified and industry experienced trainers through out their course. Graduates may then wish to continue their study and enrol into the CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support.
Delivery location

CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability) This qualification is for those who want to work in the community or in a residential setting, following a customised plan to give person-centred assistance to individuals who may need it due to ageing, disability or other circumstances. Work involves using discretion and judgement in relation to individual support as well as taking responsibility for own outputs. Workers have a range of factual, technical and procedural knowledge, as well as some theoretical knowledge of the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support. Industry Skills Training delivers this qualification in a class based setting with a work placement component or via a traineeship arrangement. Call us today! 1300 757 296
Delivery location

Are you ready to make a difference in someone’s life? Discover your rewarding career in the Aged Care Sector and learn from our industry experts to obtain the qualification to undertake roles such as Residential Support Worker, Home Care Worker, or a Care Support Officer. Get the job ready skills required to provide person-centred support to those who may need extra help in their lives. Enrol today to get started in a Certificate III in Individual Support at Insight Training and kickstart your career! This qualification is directly aligned with priority industry areas where the jobs are today and well into the future. Our classroom delivery is available in Joondalup, Morley and Rockingham. If you currently work in this area you can undertake a traineeship with your employer. Contact us today to find out more on 1300 046 744
Delivery location

The CHC33021- Certificate III in Individual Support Course provides a strong foundation for support roles in health care settings. You will learn to work with clients under the supervision of professional health staff. IHNA is offering this course with 2 days of classes weekly on campus at Perth CBD. Upon getting this qualification, you will be able to work as home care assistant, Personal care worker, Support Worker, Disability worker, Care assistant, Residential support worker etc. For admission enquiries, please contact enquiry@ihna.edu.au or 1800 22 52 83.
Delivery location

Start your new career in aged care or disability FEE FREE 2024* - Nationally accredited Certificate III In Individual Support (Ageing & Disability) - As a fee free course, eligible students can study for $0* - Become an Aged or disability worker - Study at our Balcatta campus www.learnedtraining.com.au
Course Code: CHC33021 RTO Code: 52504
*Please note that due to government requirements, those on Student Visas are not eligible to apply for this course.
Delivery location

This qualification reflects the role of workers in the community and/or residential setting who follow an individualised plan to provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing. Work involves using discretion and judgement in relation to individual support as well as taking responsibility for own outputs. Upon completion of this qualification, students are eligible to apply for roles such as:
- Personal Carer
- Support Worker
- Respite Worker
The training is conducted by a qualified, industry current trainer and assessor to ensure the learning is relevant and up to date. This training will take place in a classroom environment using face-to-face training methods at one of our study locations. Intakes are scheduled throughout the year.
Delivery locations

Would you like to develop your career in the aged care industry? Gain the latest nationally recognised training for care givers and support workers. This CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) qualification reflects the role of community workers who provide personalised support to those who may require support due to ageing, disability or other reasons.The course is run over 21 weeks and includes 120 hours of work placement.
Delivery location

Skills Generation offers CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support in the Disability, Ageing and Disability and Ageing specialisations. Training will be delivered prominently via live online classes – 2 x 3 hour sessions each week plus monthly practical days. A flexible timetable is provided with sessions available in the morning and evening to enable students to schedule around your work roster. As an existing worker, you may be able to complete some units of your course through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Prior to enrolment, we will discuss your current situation and existing skills to identify if RPL would be suitable. Skills Generation will then create a Training Plan for you to get your qualification ASAP. Visit skillsgeneration.com.au or call 1800 838 295 for more information or to discuss your options.
Delivery location

CHC33021 - The Certificate III in Individual Support is designed to develop a broad range of competencies and skills. The demand for aged care, support workers and caregivers in the community sector is increasing. Employers small and large are seeking individuals with the relevant qualifications, skills and a passion to help and care for others. Learn the skills and gain knowledge that will prepare you for a job in this varied industry. Through the Strategix Certificate III in Individual Support, you will be equipped for a position as a nursing assistant, personal carer, aged care worker, disability worker or a range of other jobs. The Certificate III in Individual Support also incorporates a work experience element so you will get to put into practice the theory & skills you learn. During the course, you will increase your skills in the areas of:
- Individualised support
- Communication
- Cultural diversity
- Working with the elderly
- Community and social inclusion
- Ongoing skills development and more
- Providing disability support
For more information visit the below webpage https://strategix.edu.au/courses/cert-iii-in-individual-support-chc33021/ (08) 9527 6553 Delivery Method: Face to Face learning (3 days per week) 6 months duration + 125 Vocational placement hours. Program: Participation - Work Readiness. Location: Rockingham & Armadale.
Delivery location

If you are driven to providing help to those in the community that are most in need, enrolling in a Certificate III in Individual Support course is one way you can use your passion for the benefit of others. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to provide individualised support and person centred care (PCC) to those who require support through either ageing, disabilities or other hindering factors. Providing support to others is one of the most rewarding careers there is and to begin this journey a Cert III in Individual Support is a perfect start. Aged Care Course Outline Learners within this course will undertake their learning and assessments in a mixed mode delivery method. These include: 3 days per week 5 hours per day (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) for approximately 29 weeks. Workplace based learning with a 160 hours of required work placement (4 weeks of work placement undertaken in 2 x 2 week allocations). Monthly group support lessons for those wanting that little bit extra support. Practical workplace assessments along with direct observation.
Delivery location

This qualification reflects the role of individuals in the community, home or residential care setting who work under supervision and delegation as a part of a multi-disciplinary team, following an individualised plan to provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing, disability or some other reason. These individuals take responsibility for their own outputs within the scope of their job role and delegation. Workers have a range of factual, technical and procedural knowledge, as well as some theoretical knowledge of the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support. The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice. To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have completed at least 120 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of the units of competency. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
Delivery location

This course remains FEE FREE in 2024! No course fees apply!
Free support and assistance
Your local jobs and Skills Centre can provide free information, support and assistance to help you decide on the best training options to meet your goals.
The information presented on the course lists within this website is provided to the Department of Training and Workforce Development by the WA TAFE colleges and private training providers, and is offered as a guide only. It is updated regularly, however some changes to details may occur in between updates. You should always contact the TAFE or private training provider directly to confirm details and/or ask questions.