Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management

Jobs and Skills WA: Conservation and ecosystem courses
Help look after our earth with this great course!

If you love the idea of helping to save Australia's beautiful and unique lands, waters, flora and fauna — this is the course for you!

You can focus your studies on particular areas; such as conservation earthworks, Indigenous land management, conservation of lands and parks, native wildlife, natural area restoration and management, weed management and vertebrate pest management.

This course will give you excellent entry level skills so that you're job ready for a range of tasks to maintain and restore natural and cultural places and lands; including working with plants and animals, construction and maintenance, using machinery and equipment, and managing resources. And higher level qualifications are available for later, when you decide you're ready to make this your dream career!

Half price
School-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBAT)
VET for secondary students
Industry: Agriculture, Animals, Science and the Environment | Science and the Environment | Animals, Science and the Environment |
National course code: AHC21020 | WA State ID: BGH1

Choose a WA TAFE college that delivers this course

To find out more about doing this course at a WA TAFE college, select one of the TAFEs listed below to read their course descriptions. You'll also be able to see at which TAFE campus/es the course is delivered.

If you would like further information such as when the course is available and how to enrol, and details of course fees, or if you have questions about how the course is delivered, please follow the Find out more link to go to the TAFE's website where you will find full course details and contact information so that you can speak to the TAFE directly.

Start a career working on the land. 

Working in the conservation and land management industry is for people who love to work in the outdoor environment, and recognise the value in restoration of natural bushland and coastal areas. This is an ideal starting place for gaining employment or further training within the conservation industry.

You'll gain practical skills and knowledge to undertake a broad range of tasks in gardening, nursery work and landscaping, plus parks and gardens management. Conservation and land management is about the future as much as it is about the present. Develop skills in the field of natural resource management, land management, developing and leading teams to implement conservation and land management strategies and more. 


Half price fees apply!


Batavia Coast Maritime Institute

Get started on your career as a horticulturalist

This qualification will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to gain employment in the conservation and ecosystem management industry including weed management companies, native revegetation nurseries, local councils, and mining, horticulture and landscaping organisations.

You do not need to have any prior experience and this may be a great option if you are currently unemployed. All of our classes have extensive resources and are run by highly experienced lecturers. 

You may be able to attain a triple qualification, adding the Certificate II in Horticulture and Certificate II in Landscaping to this Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management by enrolling in additional units.


Joondalup (Kendrew Crescent)

Participants will gain practical skills in occupational health and safety, fire management, machinery operation and maintenance, fencing and biodiversity practices.

Throughout this course, students will complete written assignments and work in teams to undertake programs that assist in maintaining the natural environment.

This course is available on Broome Campus during Semester 2, 2024. See below for times and dates:

Start Date: 22nd July, 2024 Location: Broome Campus Class Times:  8.30am - 4:00pm

Block 1 22nd - 24th July

Block 2 5th - 7th August

Block 3 20th - 22nd August

Block 4 3rd - 5th September

Block 5 8th - 10th October

Block 6 29th - 31st October

Block 7 5th - 7th November

Block 8 12th - 14th November

Block 9 3rd - 5th December 

Duration: Semester 2 2024


Broome Campus
Derby Campus
Fitzroy Crossing Campus
Halls Creek Campus
Karratha Campus
Minurmarghali Mia Campus
Pundulmurra Campus
Tom Price Campus
Wyndham Campus

Develop technical and practical knowledge in conservation and ecosystem management for parks and wildlife services work. Learn how to undertake restoration and rehabilitation of ecosystems under the supervision of a project leader. Get hands-on with industry-specific, field-oriented practical activities in conservation work. 

Get started on your career in conservation and ecosystem management. This qualification will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge in conservation and ecosystem management for Indigenous land management, lands, parks and wildlife services and the restoration and rehabilitation of ecosystems.



Choose a private training provider that delivers this course

This course is available from registered training organisations (accredited private training providers) that are also funded through Jobs and Skills WA. Select from the list below, and follow the link to the provider's website for further information about the course and how to enrol.

This qualification provides participants with the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to secure employment in conservation, ecosystem and land management including parks and wildlife services, Indigenous land management and restoration and rehabilitation of ecosystems.
This qualification can be delivered as a School-Based and Aboriginal School-Based Traineeship program delivered with a combination of on-and-off-the-job training in the Perth Metro and Peel Regions.

Delivery locations

Perth Metro
Peel Region

The information presented on the course lists within this website is provided to the Department of Training and Workforce Development by the WA TAFE colleges and private training providers, and is offered as a guide only. It is updated regularly, however some changes to details may occur in between updates. You should always contact the TAFE or private training provider directly to confirm details and/or ask questions.