ICT security specialist
ICT security specialists focus on protecting an organisation's data. They design and maintain safe electronic databases, monitor networks for security breaches and liaise with other security service providers. They also assist in developing secure mobile access so that information can be safely accessed remotely via mobile devices. They create policies and instructions about how staff may transmit company information using devices such as USB drives or external online data services.
In Western Australia, ICT security specialists are employed in areas such as the finance sector, police and law enforcement, and defence and intelligence.
Working conditions
ICT security specialists usually work in an office environment. They may meet with clients outside the office to install security software, and may also provide training to staff regarding security issues. ICT security specialists may be required to attend industry exhibitions to update their knowledge and skills. They usually work business hours but may work longer hours during busy times.
Tools and technologies
ICT security specialists use computers to develop and oversee database management systems for organisations. They may build firewalls and install antivirus software on company servers and computers. They often set up security policies that regulate staff access to information in the office or remotely using a smartphone, laptop or home computer.
Education and training
To become an ICT security specialist, you usually need to complete a formal qualification in network security, cyber security, computer science or similar.
The Advanced Diploma of Information Technology and the Advanced Diploma of Cyber Security is offered at TAFE colleges and other registered training organisations in Western Australia. You may also require at least three years' relevant work experience in the field of information and communications technology (ICT). To find a training provider near you, browse the Jobs and Skills WA website or visit the My Skills website.
You can work as an ICT security specialist without a degree. Relevant vendor certifications and five years' relevant work experience may substitute for a formal qualification.
You can complete a degree majoring in cyber security, cyber forensics, computer science or a related field. Most universities in Western Australia offer relevant courses. Contact the universities you are interested in for more information.
Free support and assistance
Your local jobs and Skills Centre can provide free information, support and assistance to help you decide on the best training options to meet your goals.
The information presented on the occupation profiles within this website is offered as a guide only.