Game developer
Game developers are responsible for the design, programming, testing and production of computer and video games. They may work with a small team of people, with each team member having responsibilities for many elements of the game. They may also work with a larger game development studio, where they have the opportunity to specialise in a particular type of video game platform or video game genre. In Western Australia, game developers mostly work in the Perth metropolitan area.
Working conditions
Game developers work in an office environment and generally work on game design projects with other team members. They usually work business hours, however, developing a video or computer game is a lengthy process and game developers may work overtime (evenings and on weekends) during a project to meet deadlines.
Tools and technologies
Game developers use computers, specialist software programs, graphics, and audio and sound equipment in the process of developing video and computer games.
Your choice of software tools and programming languages will strongly depend on the platforms being developed for. Developers who produce code for browser-based games may use scripting and coding languages like JavaScript, Flash ActionScript, Java, HTML and CSS. Games that run on dedicated game consoles or smart phones will often have specific programming languages required for each platform. A variety of programming languages and developer environments can be used to produce games for desktop computers. There are also stand-alone game development suites which can compile games for a wide variety of platforms at once.
Education and training
To become a game developer you usually need to gain a qualification in game design, game development, digital media technologies or a related field.
The Diploma of Digital and Interactive Games, Diploma of Software Development and Diploma of Information Technology are offered at TAFE colleges and other registered training organisations throughout Western Australia. To find a training provider near you, browse the Jobs and Skills WA website or visit the My Skills website.
You can also study a degree in game design, software development, digital design or a related field.
Most universities in Western Australia offer relevant courses. Contact the universities you are interested in for more information.
Free support and assistance
Your local jobs and Skills Centre can provide free information, support and assistance to help you decide on the best training options to meet your goals.
The information presented on the occupation profiles within this website is offered as a guide only.