Course list

Ready to find a course? Great! You can jump straight to our full course list, or browse through some information first to help with your course search. 

Maybe you're interested in a particular area of study, training for a specific job, or you have a career pathway in mind?

Select from these industry areas to check out what free courses, half price qualifications, skill sets and online courses are available. 

Skills Ready: Fee-free and low fee training!

How about a free training course — yes... free! You can also choose from over 200 qualifications with course fees slashed by half or more, or new free skill sets — fast track training to get you job ready. 

Whether you're looking for a job, thinking about a career change, or upskilling for your own development now's the time to get skills ready! 

We’re making training affordable and accessible so you can boost your skills and be job ready.

*Free for eligible students. 

Search and browse our full course list

The vocational education and training (VET) courses and qualifications on this course list are funded through the Department of Training and Workforce Development; these are referred to as publicly funded training.  Other non-publicly funded courses are available through WA TAFE colleges and private providers; however these are not included in this course list.

This list is presented in alphabetical order, by course/qualification title.